Friday, April 30, 2010

end of exams

4 months of long holiday starts today!!
hmmm shall not waste this holiday!!! As usual will come up with a list of things to do and this time i will try my best not to put it off!

Just called both schools and both schools were like oh your school experience is so short hahaha one school even thought i would be there for around 5-6 weeks and i was like just five days hahahahahaha
Honestly I am quite scared and excited for this school experience....hope all goes well
I am sure all this experience will be useful to me once i start adult with real responsibilities. lolsss i wonder if i will ever be one hahahahaha i think I am suffering from some peter- pan complex.

Currently playing this vocaloid game on psp.....super fun and addictive...I like!

I think I have mention before in my previous post that vocaloid is basically a programme where one can buy from a store and install it on the computer. You can use the programme to create your song and this characters each with different type of voice will sing the song you create. If I am not wrong the voice of each character is sold separately.

Monday, April 26, 2010

exam stress

Very busy with exams...
Can't wait for it to be seriously
Have been spending my days at SMU studying with gil because NTU it too freaking farrrrr
travelling back and forth will just drain me off my remaining energy

Next week will be holiday!!! Yay!!!! only problem...4 months a bit too long i guess...can't wait for next semester!!! exciting!!!! =)

Thursday, April 8, 2010


I am so glad I got Arts (Edu) in NTU the friends are seriosuly i mean like seriously awesome and NTU is a great school. Plus we are Arts(edu) the third highest in NTU to probably get the higest monthly salary!!! I guess we deserve it cause they really throw a hell lot of freaking presentation and assignments on us and still give 50% to the exam i mean seriously. Just for history I have 3 presentation and 2 essay so yea....don't let me start on the rest
Employment rate - 100%...duh

So despite having to do lots of crap ended up staying in student hub or whatever you call it to get free food provided by TTC and played some game i dunno what it is call lolsss
feel great now that I have cleared my history essays and shall pretend I don't have exams coming in two weeks

Sunday, April 4, 2010


Whole long weekend gone..sad
Stayed over at friends hall on thursday night
Had TKD grading on Sunday and I am glad to say, I have pass =) cheers!
Woohhoo at least now I am no longer a white belt!!