Wednesday, June 30, 2010


I remember there was this one day where I stayed over at my TKD friend's hall. One of them was rather pissed and upset because some of the people who promised that they will come did not turn up in the end. I remember her telling us how tired she was but that she still turn up because she said that she will come. It make sense to me and ever since then when I have given my word to someone that I will turn up for something, I will try my best to do it. I may not turn up all the time, but truth to be told I will always try my best to turn up.
It is funny how she's not my very good friend or anything but somehow what she said really made an impression on me. I agree with her very much. I think that if you promise someone you will be there, you should really try your best to be there. Of course there are times where you won't be able to make it because of other commitments but I really think one of the worst thing you can do is say that you will be free on that day and in the end calling in to say you can't make it.
This may be a small thing but I think when you have given your word you should really keep it. It is really common courtesy and a simple responsibility.
Oddly enough or not, I used to be one of those but after what that girl said on that night, I realise that I should try my best to change, to be a women of my word. Hahahahahaha
Anyway, this post is not directed to anyone just my opinion, based on previous experience as well as based on other people's experience. Like all human I am pretty sure there were times when I am guilty of that as well.

I watched Lie to me today and I like it!! I am liking NCIS too!! Hahahaha it is something like CSI but it is not CSI it is NCIS HAHAHAHAHA XD

Distant world

Got it from deviant art. I think it is very beautiful.

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