Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Clara birthday /Tackey & Tsubasa/Quizzes

Two days ago I went with my friends to Bugis to celebrate Clara's birthday.There were seven of us.I really enjoyed myself.We took neoprint.But the picture came out very small.Anyway my favourite part was when we went to the arcade. I played the car race and got second place while Pei jun got first place and Zhi ling third. The second round,Maizura got first while Pamela got second and Clara third.By the time we went to the arcade,Nisa had already gone home.Heard Nisa is going to Spain...lucky her.If I am not wrong Zhi ling,Maizura,Pamela and i went to Vivo City around 7pm.The rest of them went home.It was my second time at Vivo City and the place did look bigger than before with more shops.I guess it's because when i went there the first time Vivo City was not officially open.Anyway,I reached home at around 9:30pm.It was late all right.>.< Hopefully we would really be having a Christmas party because i am very sure it would be fun.:)

I am so very happy my job as a exhibition assistance is confirm.Finally, money will be rolling in instead of out!I can't believe it Kame is the new Kindaichi!That is like so cool!!Kame!!!Oh yeah, I am currently hook on Suikoden II.I know I have played it before but i can't help it i have a real strong urge to play again in order to get the happy ending....and so I am currently playing it for the third time. >.<

Here are some quizzes.It has been a long time since i took them.=) Unfortunately, i am unable to link back to the quiz page.....but i can still provide the address >.<

Quiz- How well do you know Suikoden II (2)?

You know a lot about Suikoden II!

Title: If You Were An Anime Character What Would You Look Like?(Girls Only)

You are a happy anime girl.You are carefree and are always happy even through the toughest times you manage to stay happy and you always think happy thoughts.You are very popular and are cared for a bunch.You are a good friend and you can cheer people up in an instant.You can fool around but be serious at times.Ok umm You are probably always hyper and jumping off of the walls.You also love everybody and everything^_^ bada bop bop bah i'm loving it.

Here is the address if you are interested in taking the quiz -

Title: What's YOUR Writing Style?

You are a freeform writer. Individualistic with a sense for the different and challenging, Walt Whitman and his poetry lacking meter and rhyme is just what the doctor ordered. You're quick to write something that the rest of the world doesn't accept as poetry, quick to separate yourself from the average joe. An author with a true sense of self, you have confidence in your abilities and aren't afraid to show it. :) GO YOU!

Here is the address-'s%20YOUR%20Writing%20Style%3F/

Title: What Sort of Romantic Are You?

You're a Romantic Hero. Your instinct is to help those you care about, and usually that's a good thing! Sometimes, though, you might find yourself being a little posessive or overprotective.

Here is the address-

What's your inner european?

Title: Which Suikoden True Rune Are You Compatible With?

Here is the address-

Title: What's Your Wedding Style?

High Society wedding

Here is the address-'s%20Your%20Wedding%20Style%3F/

Today i will be talking about Tackey & Tsubasa!!

Tackey & Tsubasa

Tackey used to be the leader in Johnny Jrs while Tsubasa is the assistant leader.They were suppose to debut as solo singers but Tackey wanted to debut with his best friend Tsubasa so he asked fans to write in to convince the person in charge ,supposedly Kitagawa, to let them debut together.It seems that a lot of fans wrote in(i don't know if this is true)and they manage to debut together.Back then there were rumors that Tackey manage to convince Kitagawa through different 'means'. I personally think that rumor is stupid.Anyway i also heard that Johnny Entertainment (JE) wants him to be Kimura Takuya the second. To me Tackey is hotter than Kimura Takuya.>.< I also heard that Tackey will be acting in a movie with Jackie Chan if that is true, i am so gonna watch the movie simply cause Tackey's in it.:) Tackey and Tsubasa have been together for about ten years and are of course best friends.Tsubasa is not as famous as Tackey but i like him better.He is known as one of the four dancing kings in Johnny.He dance really well but I think it is Tackey who have perfacted the ero-ero dance. Tsubasa likes cooking...damn I have a soft spot for guys who can or at least likes to cook.Like me he is afraid of cats.He likes playing video games and giving Tackey video games as presents.I really like Tsuba-chan!!

Tsubasa Imai & Takizawa Hideaki when they were younger.Kawaii!!!

Tackey!!!Looks like it is true that he will be acting in the movie!!!!

Friday, November 24, 2006

Just another day

Yesterday's graduation night was not bad. I really enjoyed the food.When the dance floor was open it was also very fun.Anyway, i will talk more about the graduation night in another entry when Maizura have sent me the pictures we took. Hopefully,the outing organised for Clara birthday on Monday will turn out successful. >.< Damn, i am afraid that i might not have enough usual.Well,nothing much to talk about since i am like stuck at home.Anyway, i realise that Mike and Golf songs are not fact it is good.

okay, today I'll be talking about the all time famous KAT-TUN!!! I myself really love this band.Anyway,there are six of them in this group.Koichi Domoto from Kinki Kids picked six people to be his back up dancers.Soon this six became one of the most famous group in Japan known as KAT-TUN. Unfortunately,Akanishi Jin have left the band to study overseas.How true this is i cannot say. I only heard that he might be back next year around April.I personally hope he will be back without Jin it will be like Kamenashi going solo with four back up dancers.

Kazuya Kamenashi & Akanishi Jin (Akame)

This two are the most famous member in the band.Even though i really like Kame i do agree that the band seem to focus more on Kame and Jin. Fans who really love Kame and Jin gave them the name Akame.They used to be very good friends when they were younger but i guess as time past,the strong friendship they had died. They both act in the drama Gokusen II. It is really a good show i really enjoyed watching the show.

Kame & Jin in Gokusen II

I think they are really hot especially Kame.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Customer Service (This Fashion) / NewS

I went to This Fashion on Monday to pick out something nice to wear for the graduation night and the customer service i received was horrible!I went to the This Fashion outlet that was suited near Plaza Singapore.Anyway,i was unable to find the jacket on the manikin so i asked for some assistance from the salesgirl.The salesgirl was like giving me the look of 'huh,don't waste my time'.When i showed her the jacket on the manikin she just mumble that the jacket was on the second floor and walked away. I am so shocked at the horrible customer service.I mean that was like such a 'great help'.

Anyway, i did not buy a dress in the end. I bought a purple skirt.Maizura said she wanted to hang out after the graduation dinner but wouldn't the shopping centres be closed? Whatever the case it does sound like a good idea. I wonder what Zhi Ling and Maizura will be wearing.I have this gut feeling it will be something similar.I bet Rathi will be looking like a model in her long dress.I think i am going to bring the camera.


Today I'll be talking about NewS.Initially,there were nine members in NewS. However, one of them left and hence they are left with eight members.Unfortunately,another one of them was caught drinking underage while the other one was suspected of drinking underage.Anyway, because of this NewS has disbanded. I heard the one who was caught drinking underage decided to punish himself.That is like so crappy.I can't help but feel that JE asked him to do that.I mean JE boys are supposed to be all good and stuff like that.Heard JE boys can't even date.But no fear NewS fan heard they will be back next year 2007 January.Anyway,Yamapi is the leader of NewS.

Tpmohisa Yamashita (Yamapi)

Okay, i have decided to talk about a different band or duet from Johnny's Entertainment (JE) in my blog entries.One blog entry,one band.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

A whole new blog!!!

Okay,I deleted my previous blog and have decided to do another one.The reason i deleted my previous blog was because the entries overlap each other and there was no way i could save that blog.Tomorrow is the graduation night and i have yet to buy my clothing.Mummy have finally decided to bring me to Tangs toady maybe i can pick out something nice.Seriously, i am so not excited for the graduation night!If i had knew it would be this dreadful i would not have paid for the graduation night.I don't even know how to get there for heaven sake!Well,whatever the case i am still please with the layout for my blog!!!

Takki& Tsubasa!!!!
I heard that they will be doing a tour in 2007.Damn,i wish they would come to Singapore. Maybe i can fly to Japan for their concert....yeah right i don't even have enough money to buy a dress and i want to fly to Japan.

But Mummy did say she'll bring us to Thailand next year!!!That's cool maybe if i am lucky there will be a Golf & Mike concert.By the way the song in my blog,Run for your love,is sang by Mike & Golf.They are brothers and my i thought they were twins.Mike and Golf is currently in Japan they form a new temporary group with my Yamapi. Yamapi is the leader.Their known as GYM-Golf,Yamashita,Mike respectively.