Monday, May 31, 2010

violin trial lesson

Went for my violin trial lesson yesterday. It was interesting since I never really held any kind of musical instrument before other than the recorder...hmm i wonder if that is even counted. So basically there were about 8 of us in the room and if I am not wrong two of them are in NTU as well hahaha. Only sad thing is I can't use my left hand and was force to use my right hand. Sighs...remind me of archery where one can only pull the string using one's right hand. Indeed the world is rule by the majority.
Went jogging yesterday simply cause I know I gain weight and seriously need to loose it. Besides I know I will be signing up for a 10 - 15km run in the future so might as well start training now.
Too bad my parents don't want to go anywhere during the June holidays because holiday packages will be more expensive. Oh wells~

Watch Maid Sama and I do prefer the main character as compared to the other really irritating female leads in other animation especially where the genre is romance. The female lead can be really irritating . Which explains why i hardly watch those sort of animation but maid sama is funny.

Friday, May 28, 2010


Omg I just realise that so many people are going overseas with their friends. Hahahaha I wish I could too!! I talk to my parents about if and the fact that many my age are going overseas on their own and I seriously think that so far I am quite successful. I am pretty sure by next year, I will be able to do that too!
Anyway, I am currently in KL with my family and I am definitely enjoying myself. Hahahaha I guess KL is somewhat a retreat for me. Travelling is fun be it with friends or family. Just that I want to get a chance to experience both company. Hehehehe
Woots! Finally bought my Wuthering Heights for rm8!! Yay!!
There was some modelling event at Pavilion today and my oh my gosh the models are so pretty and their hair are so freaking beautiful!! only problem is I guess they are a little to skinny.

Saturday, May 22, 2010


When to watch , Those who can't teach at NLB with the lit bunch on Thursday. It was a really hilarious play. I can't help but feel/think that I will probably end up something like the PE teacher or something like Ms Hanah? Hahahaha minus the part where she has an affair with her student's dad.
Went to Fish & Co. before the play. It's been more than a year since I went to Fish &Co. so I was glad when they decided to have dinner at Fish & Co. before going for the play.Currently waiting for someone to upload the pictures.
Next week will be my trial lesson for violin. Excited! Will probably be going for the Icon of Hope Against Poverty conference in June. I was looking through my organiser and realise that June is pretty empty lolsss so a conference is not such a bad idea. Yes, I am determine not to let this four months fly by with me sitting at home / in front of the computer. I think I have done enough of that during my A'level holidays. Looking back that holiday was wasted with me not learning or gaining any new skills or experience. sad...
Will be going to KL on Thursday!!! Woots!! I am so excited!! Can't wait to eat eat eat.
Speaking of eating I do realise I have to seriously start losing weight. Sighss I really love eating.
Sighsss really wanted to go to the costume party thing with Mariam because I have never been to one and the idea of getting a costume and wearing it there lolsss something new for me....unfortunately I have to give it a miss because I will be in KL.
On a random note, I hate afternoons because it is so unbearably hot!! Amidst trying out new stuff, meeting with friends, reading books, going for plays and whatnot, I am still playing games Hahahaha yea....I like playing video/psp/computer games. Just that now I try and limit the time I spent on them. I am currently playing FF9. It is really interesting, more so than FF8 and FFX but I guess no FF game can ever win FF7 but still FF9 is a really fun game to play!!! I realise that when people talk to me about actor and actress and whatnot half the time I will be wondering who that person they are talking about is. =.= But, but, if they mention a game, chances are I will know what they are talking about hehehe

Final Fantasy IX
I like this artwork of FF9. =)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Went to eat chocolate today. It was interesting.

Saturday, May 15, 2010


Thought that I should write this down before I lose the mood to write. Went for meranti and I have to agree with RuC, it was really good. The only regret I have is that we had meranti after GESL instead of before. Really saw another side of my GESL mates and felt that our group could click very well.
When I entered Bachelor of Arts course (Edu) in NTU, I was not really concerned about the teaching part, I was just really, really happy I could do my favourite subjects at a degree level. I guess it is quite obvious that I feel really passionate about both lit and history even though I am not getting exceptionally good results. Meranti helped me find a purpose in my career. We had a lot of thought provoking talks, which I really liked. One of the main thing that I took from Meranti was the fact that I realise that a lot of opportunities were given to elite schools while those of us from neighbourhood schools did not enjoy such privileges. For instance, being given the opportunity for self-directed learning that build confidence. Before Meranti, I wanted to teach in a good school where class management would not be much of a problem...lolss
However, now I realise that I would rather teach in a neighbourhood school and as idealistic as it sounds, I want to try providing more opportunities to neighbourhood students like myself. I believed we were really at a disadvantage. In addition, I am not really interested in teaching rich spoilt brats usually found in elit schools (stereotype on rich kids....I need to do something about my stereotype because I do have rich friends who are really humble but majority are FREAKING proud, irritating and so whatever.) Hahahaha basically, I see more purpose in helping students who are from a normal middle class HDB family....lolsss I guess I see myself in them and it would be great to provide them with opportunity, I did not get. Plus almost everything is given to the rich and elites.
Ok I think i better end my idealistic pose....and yes I know this is freaking idealistic and given the realities of life, the fact that most neighbourhood students would rather you spoon feed them with answers, the lack of discipline &c. Still, I want to give it a try.
I realise that I am not cut out for the cooperate world (random). I mean it is like, I kill you or you kill me. Everyday, you go to work thinking on how to monster / kill others before they kill you and get that particular position to make more money....I don't know.....feels so sad and I don't want to do a job in which my efforts are not being appreciated...not to say that there is no stuff room politics but hmm we shall see....
I am glad to say, unlike most university undergraduates who dread the working life, as it will probably be some office life where everyone tries and kill everyone else, I am somewhat curious/interested in teaching. Of course everything, I say here is totally my opinion, no offence to anyone...everyone is entitled to thier own opinion anyway.

On a random note, I signed up to be a meranti facilitator HAHAHAHA. I have always had a clear goal of getting into uni. But now that I am here, I realise that it is time I search for a purpose in life. I am feel that I am perhaps reaching my career purpose but it is still not totally clear so I shall continue searching. Shall join this sort of activities and whatnot to hopefully find a purpose, I mean I can't possible just sit and think of a purpose, I have to get up and get out to find my purpose. Hahahah maybe I will be like those people who's purpose in life is searching for a purpose...omg if that is the case, it is like tragic lah...

Sunday, May 9, 2010

cozy corner

Aimless wondering has been going on for a week. When school ends abruptly I just kind of stone for about a week but I guess one can say that I am getting used to the really huge amount of free time. In other words, I am filling my holidays with things to do.

Went with a few pals to Bras Basah to get some second hand books. I am really glad for this bunch of book loving friends who inspire my to pick up a book and just sit quietly on my bed with a cup of coffee and read, read, read. I used to read alot in secondary school but JC really killed this hobby because preparing for the A'levels was crazy and after the A'levels I wasted my time on online game which was I have to admit rather fun.

Taking Literature as a minor and having friends who actually talk about books helped me revisit this hobby. Literature in university is really different, we have like one book a week to read and because of that we are really expose to different genre of books which makes literature so much more fun than they ever were in secondary school and JC.

Anyway, I am currently reading Gallows Thief. I do love historical fiction....I mean duh I love history. Currently still looking for wuthering heights....I don't know why I can't seem to find this classic..the book is either too old or more expensive than the usual price of a classic book. On the other hand I keep bumping into Jane Eyre...which is weird considering they are both classics and written by authors who are sisters!

I thought of making a cozy corner for reading near the full length window in my house. Mum has agree to sponsor a bookshelf!! wooohooo!! Perhaps I will paint and add a sofa or far I only have a rough idea of what my cozy reading corner will look like but it is not concrete yet....hmm so more planning I guess.
I want to redesign my room too but that would need money so I am still considering if I should take up a another part time job or cut down on my spending because I don't want to eat into my monthly savings. Moreover, I am seriously considering picking up violin...learning a musical instrument now may not be as easy as it was when one is younger but still it is scientifically proven to be good for the brain as it excises the brain and kind of prevent dementia.

Next week is going to be a busy week!! Club meeting, BBQ,meranti crap, tuition....
Now that I have more free time I can plan my tuition lessons better. Hahaha as unbelievable as it sounds I do want my student to do well...

We should have like some masquerade theme party and go around in these costumes hahaha that would be interesting and besides the costumes are so very lovely!!!