Saturday, May 22, 2010


When to watch , Those who can't teach at NLB with the lit bunch on Thursday. It was a really hilarious play. I can't help but feel/think that I will probably end up something like the PE teacher or something like Ms Hanah? Hahahaha minus the part where she has an affair with her student's dad.
Went to Fish & Co. before the play. It's been more than a year since I went to Fish &Co. so I was glad when they decided to have dinner at Fish & Co. before going for the play.Currently waiting for someone to upload the pictures.
Next week will be my trial lesson for violin. Excited! Will probably be going for the Icon of Hope Against Poverty conference in June. I was looking through my organiser and realise that June is pretty empty lolsss so a conference is not such a bad idea. Yes, I am determine not to let this four months fly by with me sitting at home / in front of the computer. I think I have done enough of that during my A'level holidays. Looking back that holiday was wasted with me not learning or gaining any new skills or experience. sad...
Will be going to KL on Thursday!!! Woots!! I am so excited!! Can't wait to eat eat eat.
Speaking of eating I do realise I have to seriously start losing weight. Sighss I really love eating.
Sighsss really wanted to go to the costume party thing with Mariam because I have never been to one and the idea of getting a costume and wearing it there lolsss something new for me....unfortunately I have to give it a miss because I will be in KL.
On a random note, I hate afternoons because it is so unbearably hot!! Amidst trying out new stuff, meeting with friends, reading books, going for plays and whatnot, I am still playing games Hahahaha yea....I like playing video/psp/computer games. Just that now I try and limit the time I spent on them. I am currently playing FF9. It is really interesting, more so than FF8 and FFX but I guess no FF game can ever win FF7 but still FF9 is a really fun game to play!!! I realise that when people talk to me about actor and actress and whatnot half the time I will be wondering who that person they are talking about is. =.= But, but, if they mention a game, chances are I will know what they are talking about hehehe

Final Fantasy IX
I like this artwork of FF9. =)

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