Saturday, August 9, 2008

Thanksgiving concert

Met Gillian, Sarah and Kailin for lunch at Qiji before going to school for the Thanksgiving concert. I was usual. They played our theme song at Heartland mall, 'it's tragedy'...LOL.We sold cotton candy during the carnival.....I think the carnival was too short it should have been longer and compulsory. The performance done by the teachers were great, my favourite was definitely the the video by the Literature teachers. Hahahahaha especially Mr Tsui!!! Soooo funny!!!!!Last year I was one of the backstage crews so I did not get to join in the fun like I did this year but nevertheless I enjoyed myself thoroughly during both Thanksgiving concerts!!! =)

In the school hall after the concert...

Went to MacDonald with Gillian and Sarah after the concert and met up with Jiayi, Alphonso,Kiran and Tong Pin. Somehow we ended up telling ghost stories which was interesting. But I still think the story of the men hiding under the bed and the ghost finding him was rather funny. I mean she fell head first so when she was finding him there was like this banging sound because it was her head.....I mean she was like vertical WTH?.....she had better not been wearing a dress when she decided to jump down....she was upside down when she was searching for the men so if she was wearing a dress....well...think you get what I mean. So anyway.....I thought the ghost story turn out somewhat funny but the best was the one about the daughter calling the mum to accompany her up the lift and when they were in the lift the mum was like...'are you sure I am your mother?' HAHAHAHAH omg! that was like a rip from dark(-.-) waters only the mum and daughter swoop roles....but the funniest part was definitely the part where the ghost said 'are you sure I am your mother?', it reminded me of Star Wars...'I am your father' HAHAHAHA omg that was funny and so totally not scary. Had a wonderful encounter at heartland mall....just when you thought you had to wait till Tuesday for another encounter.HAHAHA We sat nearer the front during the Thanksgiving concert and had a really good view HAHAHAHAH (I just realise that I keep laughing in this post hahahhaha)

Okay this is a little late but still.........Happy 43rd Birthday Singapore!!!!!!!

Hope that Singapore will continue to see much prosperity in the future!!! Fell proud fellow Singaporeans on this special day!!! (okay I am one day late -.-)

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