Sunday, January 16, 2011

1st week of sch 2011

Down the Melakan river. I do miss the holidays already...can't wait for Chinese New Year!
I can't help but feel that whenever one hears the words, "YOG sux", it is likely to be muttered by someone from NTU. YOG seriously screw two of our semester time and now everything is still somewhat messed up. The fact that FPO sux doesn't help either.

First week of school had been almost laborious, dragging myself from one place to another. On the bright side, I only have one morning lesson. It is so depressing to squeeze with everyone else on the train early in the morning and looking at everyone somewhat aimless and expressionless face. Perhaps that's why it seems easier for me to read my readings on the train for it seems a better option.

Having the long weekend is truly awesome. I have decided that even if I can't make it for GSS or instep, I would still try and convince my parents to go somewhere further this year at least langkawi or something. Unfortunately my uncle is going to Europe end June because my parents thought of actually following them and that would be hell awesome. But because of that 5 weeks shit that is now not possible.

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