Friday, June 29, 2007

exams the end

EXAMS OVER!!! CHINESE ORAL OVER!!!! Woohoo!!! I think i did badly for the exams...oh well smile now cry later!yay!!^.^ Monday is a^-^ Well nothing much happen other then going to Heartland mall with my friends before chinese oral to in a way practise chinese oral and drink bubble tea. Yummmy~love bubble tea.So anyway my Chinese oral passage was about some artist and the conversation was about plastic bag.

I am currently hook on the aime - GetBackers

Summary of GetBackers
The manga tells the story of a pair known as the GetBackers, consisting of Ban Mido and Ginji Amano. The duo reside in one of the seedier areas of Shinjuku in Tokyo, and are often broke and resort to sleeping in their car. Ban and Ginji operate a freelance repossession service or dakkanya (奪還屋). For a fee, they will recover any lost or stolen item for a client. The two boast an "almost 100% success rate" (100% in the anime). Their motto is: "We get back what shouldn't be gone".
However, Ban and Ginji are not ordinary human beings. They each possess mysterious abilities.......

Kazuki ^-^

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What Get Backers Character Are You?

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