Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Eh......another day

Woohoo completed my report. Lucky manage to sent the report on time......I almost forgot about it! I think it is because the job is on Friday and all I could think of was the weekends. Hopefully, the coach won't be pissed with me. Apparently, the more experience I become the more talking I have to do....like carrying out the games and stuff after which they would sent me for another training and then I will have to be more involved in the talking almost like a part-time coach? hmmm I am not very sure but that's what I heard from Natasha. Hahahahaha if that is the case that's going to be scary but I have to say challenging as well.

Went to the doctor yesterday because my jaw hurt. Apparently according to the doctor I chew too much hence causing the area near my jaw to inflame? Weird~ So people don't chew too much! The doctor encourage me to eat food that required less chewing so I am eating fish porridge today. The doctor also asked if I needed MC.....and I was like huh? Like this need MC meh....woah I did not that MC can be gotten so easily. I mean I am perfectly fine just that I can't chew much....unless your work or school requires you to chew alot I don't see the need for an MC. Oh well at least now I know how those from my school seem to have MC like almost everyday.

I am addicted to pokka milk tea!!!!!!!!! I love milk tea~

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