Tuesday, November 16, 2010

looks like we were right

Today I came back to the conclusion I had years ago...k fine two years ago. Lolsss I make it sound like ten years or something. I am not fit to do literature. As much as I am in love with it, it seems like what my GP teacher told me holds true. You either have the flare for it or you don't and when you don't you have to work your butt off. Unfortunately as is always the case for me, I obviously don't have the language much less the flare for lit so in other words I have to freaking work my butt off. However, being the lazy person that I am, I can only work hard for like a short period before I get sick of it all and just heck. Like now...which explains why I am blogging despite the fact that I have lots of work to do.

Another personal conclusion that I came up with today is that History assignment is so much harder to do than lit but that does not necessarily that mean that one would get a better grade. As mention before, if you have the flare for lit, you can start on the essay the day before and get pretty awesome results but if you start on history the day before (including the readings), than honestly good luck to you brave soul.

Alright I shall stop my lame ranting. All these opinions and lame conclusion are my own. Which have sadly proven itself to be true, at least to me. (I think that made it even sadder lolsss)

Alright off to watch Fairy Tail. It is a pretty awesome anime. Dreading tomorrow's useless lecture. I think I need a social life...anyone care to take me out for spin around town?

The drawing looks very One Piece but apparently it is not...odd.. The man behind Fairy Tail is the same man behind Rave....but the drawing style looks so different.
On a random note, I think that deep down inside people don't really change. We try to but in the end we will go back to being ourselves, the person we are comfortable with. At least that's how I feel. I think that sometimes when we think people change it is more likely that the person we know before was perhaps the person trying on a new identity. Then, again a gradual change does seem possible. Hmmm...oh well whatever too lazy to think about such things.
Heard a quote that stuck with me, not to say I agree with it but somehow it got stuck on my mind the moment i heard it
-' You only feel truly alive when you see someone else dying'

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