Wednesday, December 5, 2007


Saw this quiz on Peijun's blog and thought I take them hahahahhahaha...

Okay,I know this is not a quiz..but what the heck

Lets101 Quizzes - Fun Quizzes

Take this test!

Like your signature scent, you're fresh, vibrant, and full of life. Always able to see the best in everyone and everything, you take the time to enjoy the small things and have a knack for making any moment feel special.

Friendly and fun-loving, you can charm strangers and acquaintances alike with your easygoing ways. You're a hit at parties, whether you're entertaining a crowd with witty stories or having an intimate conversation in the corner. And then there's that dance floor you're not afraid to tear up. Sound exhilarating? You are!

hmmm...I don't know about the dance part...I am so not the kind to dance. Small things in life do make me happy though.Lucky! Mummy brought back popcorn!!!Yay!!!!Been sooo long since I had sweet popcorn!!!!!!!!!=)

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