Sunday, February 28, 2010

to fight or not?

I am so glad that even though I had three assignments due last week, I manage to complete everything without feeling stress and in fact, I felt rather good about the assignments unlike last semester where I completed my assignments because I needed to complete it and more often than not, was running short of time.....seriously last semesters' time management was freaking bad. Read a friends blog or more specifically Kailing's blog, about where the place she ends up in was not intended but everything turned out for the better. I can't agree with her more. Where I am now is not where I intended but things have been going great for me and university life is really enjoyable. Just go out and meet people, go for activities, join a cca and woah it can really be freaking awesome.
Speaking of CCA, I am now to chose either the sparing team or the pattern (?) team. Tough decision. I feel like joining the sparing team though...but I am not really fond of getting injured. hmm

Met up with the usual bunch today, as usual they are great to hang out with and I had Hokkaido Ice cream!! OMG freaking awesome!
I will be having tuition tomorrow, hopefully all goes well. Extra pocket money is always welcome.

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