Thursday, December 28, 2006

A day at Escape

I went to Escape yesterday.It was very fun!I seriously thought that Maizura will be late.I can't believe that I was the latest.We ate at MacDonald first before going to Escape.Played Pirate Ship first.I seriously thought that it was called viking ship...Anyway my favourite ride was Pepsi but the others did not really like it.Only I and Maizura's sister,Mastura loved that ride.It rain twice.When it rain the first time,Clara,Peijun and I went to take our ice-cream.The ice-cream was jelly-like and vary delicious.We played till about 7pm after which we started taking pictures.I really enjoyed myself.Can't wait for the Maizura to sent me the pictures. Hopefull,the next time we hang out again Pamela can make it.

I don't really like MI school timing.I mean starting at 8am and ending at 5pm in order to try to reduce the number of late comers is kinda lame.I mean it doesn't matter what what time the school starts,the number of late comers will still be same even if they start school at 1pm it will still be the same.The school should foster a stronger disciplinary action because it is more of a discipline problem than how early or late the school starts.Anyway that is just my personal opinion.This sunday going to my Grandpa house in Malaysia.^-^

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