Sunday, June 27, 2010

GK global summit

Went for the Gawad Kalinga global summit yesterday and today. It is a three day conference that ends tomorrow. After today I swear whenever I feel that lecture is too long and that I can't take it I will think about this summit. I mean if I can survive this summit I am pretty sure I can survive lectures. I think we sat through 6 hours of lecture. It was not bad though, I did get to learn something and for what it's worth, at least I know more about GK and how it really did help those who are in poverty. They are still on their journey to eradicate poverty but I saw true effort from this people, giving up jobs that paid more for something that is more fulfilling, volunteering their weekends, really admirable. On another note, i think it is sad to learn that some people attend such summit to make their resume more colourful...i mean how idiotic can you be. I hope at least even if you one of those in for a colourful resume, you did feel for humanity and truly want to give back in the future. Personally, I went because I hardly go for such things and I wanted to learn more, to know more.
The whole GK summit started at 9am and ended at 7:30pm. Kind of got lost in NUS for awhile but eventually we made it out and found our way home hahahahaha. Before entering uni I had a dream and now that I am in uni, I forgot that dream. It is dream that I swear every or at least almost every student has....I think it is a dream shared by almost every Singaporean students. Anyway, after talking to Alfie and Christ more about school and stuff, I realise I need to get my priority right yet again, I guess I was a little distracted when I entered uni so it is time to get back on track and of course enjoy uni life!! Woots!

For some odd reason, I could not stop laughing after drinking a cup of tea today, I found almost anything and everything odd....
Toms Toms (?) cafe was a nice and peaceful place to just drink coffee and chit chat.
I am sorry, but I shall disappear...
Going to this summit with Mariam and Alfie have been great!!! =)

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